Frequently Asked Questions
The Recorder’s Office staff employees are not attorneys and, therefore, cannot give legal advice. For legal advice regarding real estate and recording issues, we recommend you consult an attorney.
The Recorder’s Office provides no title search or abstracting services. We recommend you contact a title company for title assurance issues.
How much will my recording cost?
A fee schedule is locate HERE on this site or call (217) 554-6040 for help in determing the proper charge.
What is a non-standard document?
- Standard paper size is considred 8 1/2 x 11 inches, or letter size.
- All documents must contain 3″ x 5″ blank space in the top right hand corner for Recorder’s use only.
- The document should be on white paper, no less than 20 pound weight with a margin of one half (1/2″) inch on all sides.
- The typeface should be no less than ten (10) point.
Any document not having ALL of these requirements is considered non-standard and charged at the increased rate, which can be found on our FEES page.
Who should I make my check payable to?
Vermilion County Recorder
May I mail my document to the Recorder for recording?
You may mail an original document for recording. Be sure to include your check in the exact amount of the recording fee and a self-addressed envelope where you want the document returned after recording.
Mail these to:
Vermilion County Recorder
Vermilion County Administration Building
201 N Vermilion Street
Danville, Illinois 61832
When I present my document to be recordered, what happens to it?
The document is reviewed to verify it complies with Illinois statutory requirements. If the document conforms to state statutes and is accompanied by the appropriate recording fees, it will be recorded. Documents are recorded in a timely manner in the order received. Recording consists first of assigning a document number, date and time to the instrument, and then scanning and indexing the instrument so it may become a permanent public record. There are very few original records maintained in the Office. The indexing consists of data entry keying in pertinent information (names and legal descriptions) so the document may be retrieved quickly at any time in the future.
When will my original document be returned to me?
If you present a document in person for recording our goal is to return it to you immediately following it being optically scanned (usually no more than 5 minutes). We strive to record all other documents and have the original in the return mail by the end of each business day.
How do I change the ownership of a piece of property?
Generally speaking, every time ownership of property is transferred, whether through sale or gift, a new deed form must be prepared, signed, notarized and recorded. If the conveyance involves a sale for consideration exceeding $100.00, an Illinois Form PTAX-203 must be properly and fully completed and accompany the deed for recording. The purpose of this Form is to collect state and county real estate transfer taxes generated on the sale, which are based upon the sale price. If gifting property, the transfer is exempt from such transfer taxes, but the deed must contain the appropriate exemption statement. Deeds may qualify as being exempt from transfer taxes for various other reasons.
What information is required to be on a document for recording?
Recording requirements vary by document type, please feel free to call our staff at (217) 554-6040 or see our page entitled Tips for Good Recordings for additional information. Please note, however, the Recorder’s Office staff employees are not attorneys and, therefore, cannot give legal advice. For legal advice regarding real estate and recoding issues, we recommend you consult an attorney.
How do I find a real estate attorney?
The Recorder’s Office cannot make legal referrals. However, a list of members of the Vermilion County Bar Association may be found HERE.
How do I record business forms (known as BCAs, i.e. Change of Registered Agent, Corporation Papers, Etc.,) received from the Secretary of State?
Pursuant to Public Act 96-1121, effective January 1, 2011 corporations are no longer required to file corporate business documents with the Recorder’s Office.
Where do I obtain a form for recording purposes?
Because the conveyance of interests in real estate involves serious and sometimes complex issues the Recorder’s Office does not provide blank forms. As in many endeavors, having it done correctly the first time is oftentimes less costly than fixing mistakes later. That said, however, there are forms for sale in most office supply and business stationery stores.
How do I obtain a copy of my deed?
You can request a copy from our office in person, by mail, or online with a credit card at:
However, if you request a copy by mail, please enclose a check for the correct amount of the copying charge and a self-addressed stamped return envelope, and you must have a book and page or document number that your requesting included on the request.
What is the cost of a copy of my deed?
A copy costs $1.00 per page.
Can I find the owner of a property?
Real Estate “ownership” is determined through a consistent chain of title which can be traced in the Recorder’s Office. However, oftentimes people equate “ownership” with the most recent grantee (buyer) or the “person paying the taxes”. This information is also available from the Supervisor of Assessments.
How do I do a title search?
All records in our office are located by searching the grantor (seller) or grantee (buyer) name indexes. Our office also has tract cards by legal description ranging from 1940 through 1980’s. By law, the Recorder’s Office is not allowed to perform title searches. A title company could perform and guarantee a full chain of title search of the property; something we are unable to do for you.
Can you tell me the selling price of a piece of property?
Most deeds of record will have revenue stamps reflecting the sale price affixed to them.
How can I find out about a house for sale, in foreclosure, or a tax sale property?
You may visit the Recorder’s Office to do your own search, search online, or contact a title company. You need to know the owner’s name or the legal description of the property, or be able to identify the parcel on a tax map located in the Supervisor of Assessments Office. For information on property being sold for back taxes, contact the County Treasurer.
How do I know what liens are on a property?
Once you have learned the names of persons with an interest in a parcel of real estate, you may check the records in this Office for lien notices that have been recorded. This information cannot be given over the telephone.
How long is a lien in effect?
The effective terms of liens vary with their type. This is a legal question and you should consult an attorney for its answer.
How do I remove an erroneous lien from my property?
This depends upon what created the lien. Your question may be answered by contacting an attorney. We are not attorneys and are unable to give legal advice.
How do I find out about a State Tax Lien that is showing up on my property?
Contact the Illinois Department of Revenue, State Tax Lien Unit at (217) 785-5299.
How do I find out about a State Department of Healthcare Services (Medicaid) Lien that is showing up on my property?
Contact the Illinois Department of Healthcare Services, State Tax Lien Unit at (217) 278-3287.
How do I find out about a Federal Tax Lien that is showing up on my property?
If it is due to a small business/self-employment tax lien, call 1-800-913-6050. In the case of a wage/income tax lien, call 1-800-829-7640.
How do I get the dimensions and/or legal description for my property?
The legal description is contained in your deed. A metes and bounds description provides the dimensions. The Recorder’s Office maintains copies of subdivision plats upon which lot dimension information may be found. For unsubdivided parcels, dimensions may sometimes be obtained from tax maps recorded in our Office. This information is also available at the Supervisor of Assessment’s office. However, knowing the dimensions of a parcel of real estate does not tell you the physical location of your boundary lines. If permanent survey markers cannot be located, we advise you to have your property surveyed by an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor before constructing improvements upon your property.
How do I get a copy of my recorded Veteran’s Record and what is the cost?
A current phone ID is required. In the case of a deceased veteran, a photocopy of the death certficate is required. There is NO FEE for copies of these documents.
Other Information
For property surveys or home building blueprints, contact an Illinois registered land surveyor and/or the original home builder.
Information regarding Voter Registration, Marriage, Divorce, Birth and Death records can be found on the County Clerk’s web page.
Occasionally, certificates or vital records of events that have occurred outside of Vermilion County, such as births, marriages and deaths are recorded with the Recorder’s Office so copies are readily available locally. Doing so is completely optional and not required by any local, State or Federal law.
Property Assessment information can be found on the Supervisor of Assessments’ web page.
Tax Bill information can be found on the County Treasurer’s web page.
Information on Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings may be found on the Illinois Secretary of State’s website at: