Marriage & Civil Unions
How do you obtain a Marriage License or Civil Union License from Vermilion County, IL?
Anyone obtaining a marriage license or civil union license in Vermilion County may use the license only in Vermilion County. The license must be obtained at least one day prior to being used, and is void 60 days after its effective date. The marriage or civil union must be recognized under the laws of the state in which the couple reside.
The fee for a marriage license or civil union license is $50.00.
The age requirement for a marriage license without parental consent is 18 years old. Parental consent for 16 and 17 year olds wishing to be married must be given by both natural parents. In case of divorce, both parents must still sign, regardless of which parent has legal custody. If one parent is deceased, a death certificate must be shown. No one, under any circumstances, may be married under the age of sixteen (16). Non-residents cannot obtain a marriage license if the marriage would be void in their home state.
At this time there is no provision in the new Civil Union law giving any person permission to obtain a civil union license if either party is under the age of 18. (06/01/11)
The marriage or civil union license must be returned to the County Clerk’s office by the officiant of the ceremony within ten (10) days after the date of the marriage. If you wish to be married by a judge, you may make arrangements prior to the ceremony by calling the Circuit Clerk’s office at 217-554-7700.
How do you obtain a Copy of Marriage License or a Copy of a Civil Union License from Vermilion County, IL?
To obtain a copy of a marriage license or civil union license, the requesting party must state the groom’s name, the bride’s name (at the time of the marriage), or Partner A’s name and Partner B’s name (at the time of the civil union), and the date of the marriage or civil union.
The fee is $15.00 for each certified copy of the marriage or civil union license, and $8.00 for each additional copy of the same record requested at the same time.
Vermilion County Clerk’s Office
201 N. Vermilion St. – 1st Floor
Danville, IL 61832
(217) 554-1900
Note: All vital records (birth certificate, death certificate and marriage license) are not public records, and therefore are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.