Vermilion County Behavioral Health Initiative
We are invested in creating positive mental health.
The Vermilion County Mental Health Initiative is an effort by a group of mental health providers, substance abuse providers and community residents who are working to raise awareness about mental health, substance abuse, and expand access to services. This group has been meeting since late 2014. One of its successes was acquiring a federal grant to provide Youth Mental Health First Aid Training to a four county area.
Contact Person
Jim Russell, Vermilion County Mental Health Board. 443-3500.
Usually on the second Tuesday of the month, 2 PM, Vermilion County Health Dept. Conference Room.
In 2017, Mental Health was added as a priority for the Vermilion County Community Health Plan to focus on for next 5 years.
Goals and Objectives
- Increase training and education regarding mental health resources and information.
- Reduce the number of suicides among Vermilion County residents.
- Increase the number of depression screenings by private care providers.
- Increase the proportion of children and adults with mental health problems who receive treatment.
- Decrease the proportion of teens who attempted suicide in the past year and told no one.
- Increase the number of providers/urgent care/emergency departments that are conducting a stress or mental health screening with each visit.
- Train up to 2,000 Vermilion County participants in Mental Health First Aid Training
- Aunt Martha’s
- Crosspoint Human Services
- Vermilion County Mental Health 708 Board
- Vermilion County Complex Service Planning
- Stigma Mental Health Brochure
- Suicide Prevention Final Poster
- Be Kind to Your Mind Poster
- Hey You Matter Poster
Addiction Resources
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- About Addiction
- Opioid Epidemic and Vermilion County Brochure
- Vermilion County Resource Guide
- Vermilion County Substance Abuse Statistics – from IPLAN
Treatment Resources
Support Resources
Drug Take Back Container Locations
Vermilion County has 9 locations that you can take your unused or unwanted medications and 2 locations that you can take your Sharps (ex. needles for diabetes care).